When it comes to curing ovens for the production of glass wool, Münstermann is one of the market leaders. Important in the design of the ovens is our test stand for flow measurements.
More product variety, more automatization
In the case of curing ovens for glass or stone wool, a clear trend can be seen in recent years. It is not just the market leaders that produce more than 200 different products with one curing oven. The products are ranging from white wool and low-density roll materials to thin, high-density boards. Due to this large number of product variants suppliers like Münstermann are presented with completely new challenges in the design of ovens. We have to guarantee that the oven works for all specified products.
Measurements and oven design
For the design of an oven different parameters (e.g. flow resistance) for the cured mineral wool products are determined on a test stand. The curing process can be simulated across up to 8 zones by dividing the product into virtual layers and calculating the heat transfer step by step over the product thickness and oven length.
Optimizing energy efficiency and improved visualization
With these data, the fans can be selected to the simulated operating points and operated with a higher energy efficiency. Simulations can also be used to examine existing plants with regard to optimization. The process know-how gained in this way later flows into the plant control, with which the process-relevant values for the operator are visualized on the user interface..
Statement of a customer employee:
You are the only ones who really know what happens in the ovens!