Our complete oven transportation system made up out of transfer cars, linear conveyors in the storage areas as well as loading and unloading rail tracks and also positioning facilities for the kiln cars which are specially designed for these special requirements in the ceramics industry.
Advantages and benefits
- Planning the respective site e.g. the foundations or the rail tracks
- The units’ components enable a gentle but however quick transportation to run the unit at high capacity
- As is common in the ceramics industry heavy soiling occurs during production but our units are so designed that this soiling does not affect the function of the conveyors.
- The conveyors often used in this branch, as for example, chain conveyors, cable pull units or hydraulic feed units are specially designed to fit the task in hand.
- When designing the conveyors special care is taken to meet the specific requirements e.g. demands of heavy loads or shifting forces are met.
- Safety concepts are matched to the degree of automation of the unit.