Münstermann offers plants and components for the production of special cables as for example those needed for offshore wind farms. A typical application is the transfer of the cable from the stranding machine to the turntable, which acts as a buffer store for the cable. Münstermann can also supply transport systems, which unload the cable from the storage turntables and lay it onto an appropriate turntable on the cable-laying ship. The assembly of this unit is both possible outdoors and indoors as well as near the sea. The units and components can be offered along with the accompanying automation systems and safety engineering.
We are not only offering plants for offshore applications but also for special onshore cables.
Turntables and traction units for cable bearings
A very interesting application for which Münstermann supplies solutions is the production of cables as required for the transfer of the generated energy from offshore wind farms to the coast.
Cable turntable with a 2,300 tonnes load-bearing capacity
Münstermann, together with its partner in the sector submarine power cable production, Stahlbau Ihnen, supplied Tennet with two so-called turntables or carousels.
The wind park business area is booming and German companies are technologically leading the world in this sector. In Germany investment especially in large offshore wind parks is being made. A special challenge is the production and laying of the power cables to the wind parks at sea.
The transportation of the cable is effected by tensioners. Cables with a diameter of up to 300 millimetres and at a speed of up to 20 metres a minute are transported. The roller path consists of heavy duty rollers and has as an example a bending radius of up to 3 metres.
Plants and components for the production of submarine power cables
Münstermann offers plants and components for the production of special cables as for example those needed for offshore wind farms. A typical application is the transfer of the cable from the stranding machine to the turntable, which acts as a buffer store for the cable.Münstermann can also supply transport systems, which unload the cable from the storage turntables and lay it onto an appropriate turntable on the cable-laying ship. The assembly of this unit is both possible outdoors and indoors as well as near the sea. The units and components can be offered along with the accompanying automation systems and safety engineering.