We design our flue gas cleaning systems individually for each of our customers and adapt them to the respective requirements. In addition to dust particles, other gaseous components such as SO2, HCl, HF, dioxins/furans and heavy metals are separated at the bag filter in a flue gas cleaning system. For this purpose, dry additives are injected into the raw gas pipe or into the reactor upstream the bag filter. This is therefore referred to as dry sorption.
The additives used are either hydrated lime or sodium bicarbonate and possibly activated carbon or lignite coke as a supplement. To improve the reaction of the hydrated lime, additional water is injected if necessary. This is therefore referred to as conditioned dry sorption. The advantage of this process is that no waste water is produced that would have to be purified at great expense.
Our advantages:
- High separation efficiency
- No wastewater
- High flexibility and availability
- Compact installation
- Ease of maintenance
- Low operating costs
- High operating temperatures
- Energy recovery possible
- Low emission values
- High reliability and long service life